Squashin' My Nuts
If you enjoy hearing about conspiracy theories and self-deprecating humor than you came to the right place. If you are easily offended, you may not want to listen to this podcast. You've been warned. Welcome to Squashin' My Nuts.
41 episodes
Puppies and Roosters
Talk about the joys of raising a new puppy alongside my older dog. Give a chicken update and decide the fate of my roosters. Also, talk a little about the future of A.I. and just how weird things could get.
Episode 41
Goodbye 2024!
I discuss the wackiness that was 2024. What a year of chaos and shenanigans all around the world. Also, I give a farm update with all my chickens and talk about my new puppy.
Episode 40
Aliens In The Mall
Of all places the aliens could go to they chose a shopping mall in Miami? What kind of weird aliens are these that think malls are the place to be? I personally have never been to a mall in Miami so who knows maybe they are pretty damn awesome....
Episode 39
Civil War 2024? I Hope Not
In this episode, I recap the year of 2023 and moving forward into a new year. Will A.I. takeover? Will we dive into chaos? I feel we will all come together and see that life is worth living and things aren't so bad. That is my hope for 2024 at ...
Episode 38
The Comment Section is Crazy!
In this episode, I discuss how crazy the internet and comment section on apps have become. Did we get too much information too quickly? Not everything in life is a conspiracy or is it?
Episode 37
The New Normal
In this episode, I talk about the dogman/skinwalker roaming my yard late at night. Not sure what the creature is. Also, I touch on online dating and the state of politics currently. Are we living in a Simulation? Sometimes it sure does feel tha...
Episode 36
Slithery Snakes of the South
Talk about my fear of big ol' snakes here in the south. Give some updates on my frog farming adventures and remember the good times of growing up in the 90s.
Episode 35
OnlyFans Is Wild
In this episode, I talk about the future of strip clubs once we go full digital currency. Will we just have virtual strip clubs and stay in our homes with VR Goggles. I also discuss the effect Buffalo Bill had on my life growing up. ...
Episode 34
My ChatGpt GF Broke Up With Me
In this episode, I talk about how weather disasters and ChatGpt. Also, throw in some skinwalker stories just for fun.
Episode 33
Don't Call Me Daddy
In this episode, I discuss my dog's fear of gunshots. Also, I find myself questioning why the hell vehicle prices are so damn high.
Episode 32
Living in the South
Update on my move from Alaska down to Arkansas. Life is a wee bit different living out in the woods. City life is much different than country life that is for sure.
Episode 31
Don't Machete Me, Bro!
In this episode, I talk about all the crime that is happening around the country. What is the cause for all the craziness happening? I discuss my massive fear of being hacked by a machete. Also, the nfl preseason has started once again so I div...
Episode 30
Ghosts & Demons
In this episode I talk about all my experiences with ghosts and all things supernatural. Discuss some stories about spooky shadows and sleep paralysis nightmares.
Episode 29
My Body, My Foreskin
Back to my same ol' bs after a little mental health break. The world is going crazy and just here to give some life updates and hopefully a smile to the masses. Can we all just take a big vacation to a nice beautiful beach somewhere and unplug ...
Episode 28
Swindle Me Tinders
If you watched The Tinder Swindler on Netflix and you also wondered how the hell those ladies got approved for all those damn bank loans, than this is the episode for you. Also, update on all craziness happening across the globe.
Episode 27
This Jar smells like a Fart
In this episode, I discuss the silliness of all this onlyfans content out there. Talk about the difference between slow zombies and the smart, fast zombies. I give a little update on the NFL playoffs as well and how I feel as a Packer fan. ...
Episode 26
False Crime: Your Last Meal
If you knew it was going to be your last meal before your execution date, what would you choose? Maybe you wouldn't choose anything due to stress or fear. Hell, who says you get a choice of final meal anyways? Hopefully none of us ever have to ...
Episode 25
Attack of the Homeless
In this episode, I talk about all the late night shit I see in my neighborhood while taking my dog out to go piss. This winter has been wild so far with just how crazy people are. Also talk about this being my last winter here in the state of A...
Episode 24
Slappy Spanksgiving
It's Thanksgiving already. The year is almost at an end. Discuss the chaos of the news and what's happening in everyday life.
Episode 23
American Bacon Vs. Canadian Bacon
In this episode, I discuss waiting in lines at Walmart. Why are there so many empty lanes all the time? I give updates to the cold winter weather we are having here in Alaska. Of course I discuss the difference between American bacon and Canadi...
Episode 22
Dental Damn
Just a quick birthday episode. I give an update on the journey to the dentist this previous week. Also dive into a little bit of the packers quarterback controversy and standing up to bullies.
Episode 21
Mandates? Nope I'm Straight
Happy Halloweeners Everybody. In this episode, I talk the state of the world we are living in. Also, cover my hatred for the use of tasers in t.v. shows and movies. I'm sure some might get upset with some things said in this episode so let's gi...
Episode 20
Wet Dreams on Elm Street
In this episode, I discuss my sadness over seeing the packers quarterback drama unfold and give updates on the crazy cursed elm street I live on.
Episode 19